Thursday, October 29, 2015

Senator Ted Cruz cuts a promo on the media in the 3rd GOP debate

VIDEO: Fox & Friends (Ted Cruz rails on the moderators)

TED CRUZ: Questions that have been asked so far in this debate illustrate why the American people don't trust the media. This is not a Cage match, you look at the questions
- Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?
- Ben Carson, can you do math?
- Jon Kasich, will you insult two people over here?
- Marco Rubio, why don't you resign?
- Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?
How about talking about the substantive issues people care about?
the contrast with the Democratic debate, where every fawning question from the media was "which of you is more handsome and wise... the men and women on this stage more ideas, more experience, more commonsense than every participant on the Democratic debate. That debate reflected a debate between the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

APF Battle of the Billionaires Wallpaper: Donald Trump vs Mitt Romney

1280 x 1024 wallpaper: Republican nominee Battle of the Billionaires
Donald Trump is the clear frontrunner of the Republican race whilst Jeb Bush, the expected "establishment" candidate has been sliding in the Polls. Experts like Trump supporter, Ann Coulter have predicted that former Republican nominee Mitt Romney will eventually prevail but there have been no signs of him throwing his hat in the ring yet.
Ann Coulter Predicts Who Can Win in 2016
ANN COULTER: Listen to me, watch the debates, we're going to be so sorry we're not running Mitt Romney and we're gonna demand that he get back in because Mitt Romney would crush Hillary Clinton. You have no idea, you have no idea how good you had it. And you were lied to by fake Tea-Partiers and fake conservatives who cared more about pretending they were the only leaders of Conservatism and only trust them.
As you'll see in the end of the book [Adios, America], I'm evaluating candidates on the one issue, the only issue that matters because it determines everything else and Romney is the best we have on immigration other than Donald Trump and I don't think he's gonna be our nominee.
LARRY ELDER: Who will be the nominee?
COULTER: Mitt Romney
---- crowd applauds, panel laughs ---
Watch the conversation in full here - A Special Evening with Ann Coulter — 7/16/15

Paying homage to the WrestleMania 23 match that pitted Donald Trump vs WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, I present the Republican version of "Battle of the Billionaires".

VIDEO: Battle of the Billionaires [WrestleMania 23 PROMO]
Update: With Donald Trump still leading the polls and Ted Cruz making a spirited run. The only hope for a Trump/Romney showdown is through a "Brokered Convention" - Mitt Romney. A Brokered Convention. Please, Lord, Make the Pain Stop!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Bill Maher: Donald Trump is the White Kanye

With Donald Trump's frontrunner status in the Republican Primary and HipHop artist Kanye's recent announcement to run for office in 2020, pollsters have already begun speculating on a hypothetical showdown between these larger-than-life personalities. Late night talk shows quickly began drawing comparisons between the two but it was APF pundit Bill Maher who described Trump as Kanye even before Yeezy followed suit with his own Presidential ambitions.

VIDEO: Real Time with Bill Maher
- Donald Trump Is the White Kanye (HBO)
BILL MAHER: I hear all over the media, "he's just a joke. It's just a publicity stunt, don't worry about it. It'll go away. It's not going away."... Here's the thing about Donald Trump. He never apologizes, he's never wrong. No matter what crazy thing he says, he's totally *inaudible*. He's the White Kanye.
--crowd applauds--
For a party whose base adores belligerence, this is the guy.
ERIC DYSON: But if he dreams that he's as intelligent as Kanye he better wake up and apologize
MARY KATHARINE HAM: He also has the most important quality for running for President which is thinking you're awesome enough to run for President
MAHER: That's right. They love that

Monday, August 31, 2015

Comedian Jackie Mason on the preposterousness of running for President in America

VIDEO: Michael Savage Interviews legendary comedian Jackie Mason (8-13-15)

Jackie Mason skewers the way Americans select their Presidents
JACKIE MASON: (8m 15s) I talk about the preposterous system the Presidency is. Take a look at these debates, is there anything more idiotic than these debates. You have one minute to express all your thoughts on Foreign Policy, the American domestic policy, anything that's happening in the world and you have to do it in one minute. If you happen to breathe a little slow, you've lost the debate. And you have to make sure you tell a joke better than the next guy because they don't remember any policy or position. They just remember who told the best one-liner or the best joke.
The next day that's all they're talking about, so it becomes a comedy contest. If this was 50 years ago, Groucho Marx would be the President.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

#AndNew Donald Trump for President Wallpapers

Following on from my Sarah Palin Wallpapers and Presidential PPV Posters, I've decided to warmup the Poster Factory for 2016.
With 44th President, Barack Obama wrapping up his two terms and the prospect of Bush VS Clinton III or a Donald Trump Presidency it was an opportunity I couldn't resist.

Drawing inspiration from the UFC and their man of the moment Conor McGregor, I've fashioned #AndNew posters for the soon-to-be 45th President, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump #AndNew
1366 x 768 wallpaper
Donald Trump #AndNew
Optimised Facebook Cover page

Monday, June 22, 2015

President Obama in conversation with Marc Maron

President Obama in the Garage with Marc Maron
Episode 613 - President Barack Obama
PRESIDENT OBAMA: (25m 55s) Increasingly I've spent my time thinking about "How do I break out of these old patterns that our politics has fallen into?". Which is part of the reason I'm here, I'll be honest with you. One of the conversations I've had with my communications team about is "How do we talk to folks who aren't already so dug into a particular way of thinking about politics that we can create more space for people to have a normal, ordinary conversation and one where the lines aren't so clearly drawn black and white, It's not this battle in a steel cage between one side and another.

MARC MARON: Well I became a little disillusioned. I used to do left-wing talk radio and I realised that there was a lot of things I was naive about...
- Find behind-the-scenes photos of Marc's meeting with the President here: Marc meets Obama
- Listen to Marc Maron and [friend-of-blog] producer Brendan McDonald: Episode 614 - The President Was Here