Monday, February 2, 2009

Media Malpractice: John Ziegler appears on 'The View'

John Ziegler appears on 'The View' to talk about his new documentary - 'How Obama Got Elected'

In wrestling "heel heat" is the reaction a villain character receives from the audience - usually animosity. This stems from the provocative actions and objectionable aura the heel (villain) character exudes. "Heel heat" is often present on ABC's 'The View' when Conservative guests appear. Whilst 'View' co-host Joy Behar exhibits heel-like qualities herself due to her brash and insistent cheap shots, she enjoys home court advantage which blunts any "heat". In fact she often receives the opposite of "heat", known as a "pop" through supportive crowd applause.

John Ziegler was the most recent Conservative guest on 'The View'. During the promotional tour for his documentary slated for release in 3 weeks, much has been made about Ziegler's combustible personality. Not surprisingly Ziegler's sitdown with the ladies of 'The View' was loud and heated but interestingly it was John who displayed the most composure. Finding himself stuck in the crossfire between Joy and Elisabeth and being prodded by Barbara Walters.

Perhaps it's a mark of a good heel? When Ann Coulter was on 'The View', she was dishing out and taking a lot of the abuse. For John, his mere presence created a climate that made everyone around him more abusive and confrontational. But perhaps it wasn't John Ziegler who was getting the "heel heat" It might have actually been directed at Sarah Palin, John Ziegler simply became the proxy. You be the judge.

Read previous John Ziegler posts here:
- How Obama got Elected: John Ziegler vs. David Schuster
- How Obama got Elected: John Ziegler vs. Nate Silver

Watch how "heel heat" looks in wrestling,
Video: Vickie Guerrero and Vladimir Kozlov booed on WWE's Smackdown

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